3 Things 4 Next Time: A conversation with women leaders, Fiona Czerniawska, Rouge Sana and Lorena Schoenfeld


We speak with 3 women leaders in the industry to uncover the 3 things they would have done differently if they knew COVID, or another crisis of its type, was going to happen.

We reflect on the learnings from all aspects, from work, home and life. At work, we learned that businesses thrived by becoming adaptable and that recurring touchpoints with teams are a must in a world where you are working remotely. At home, we discuss maintaining a sense of balance and doing what we can to remove the feeling of isolation, keeping mental health a priority. In Life, we conclude that connection is one of the most important things we can have – may this be at either work, personal, and everything in between. What would you do differently if you knew a new crisis was coming?

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Live on September 18, 2020

By Proudfoot Team

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