Thought Leadership

What does “best” really look like in Agribusiness?

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In the current environment there is no shortage of one-size-fits-all advice; however, organizations are at different stages of development, one of which is Agribusiness. A small number are fully industrialized and international, others moving towards industrialization, others seeking to expand along the value chain, others functionally excellent but facing bottlenecks or long lead times which are inhibiting growth. Many are central to the social and economic growth of the region or country. Needs also vary – from the immediate to the more strategic. So “one size” won’t do.

This variety shows in the top 10 questions that we currently hear from Clients around the world:

  1. How can I quickly recover from the impact of Covid and what are the real lessons?
  2. How do I achieve breakthrough operating performances and reduce variability in my most critical areas – including yield, labour productivity, fixed and mobile asset availability, procurement, and safe operations?
  3. How do I build repeatability and sustainability?
  4. How do I build effective management capabilities to make localization a reality?
  5. What are my real risks especially with regard to ESG and how do I best address them?
  6. How can I build competitive advantage in cost and velocity through my supply chain?
  7. What are my real opportunities in automation and digital transformation and how can I best realise them?
  8. How can I reduce the delivery risk and accelerate payback on my capital projects?
  9. Where along the value chain are my most profitable opportunities?
  10. For my level of ambition and risk profile, which business model offers the best return from the combination of capital required, fixed and variable operating cost, working capital, market leverage?

This is why during this time we have been focusing on helping our Agribusiness clients understand the unique answers to these very pressing questions, and ensuring we utilize our 7 decades in supporting businesses to transform during their most difficult times. We are currently focused on developing Agribusiness strategies to restart and realign organizations so they thrive, instead of just survive.

For over 70 years, Proudfoot has partnered with our Clients to design, implement and accelerate bespoke/tailored solutions for Agribusiness through a unique combination of lenses —  results (with a view to high impact, high value), execution (to  deliver the promise, predictably, safely, completely and on time), people (the future of Agribusiness is still people, and the ability to engage people remains fundamental), speed (early results are critical to show that it is working), benefits on a scale that matters (key to competitiveness), and sustainability (ensuring that risks and opportunities are being managed, that ESG and continuous improvement are in place).

These bespoke transformational programs have helped our Clients in Agribusiness industry achieve significant successes in profitability, growth and local content.

Our latest 600 Transformational Projects have delivered $5.6bn annual EBIT benefits. In Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) we have helped to deliver projects of regional and national significance.

Do you know how to begin to answer and create a transformation plan for your organization to address each of these questions? Make sure you seek advice from experts who are in daily contact with global leaders so that you can formulate not only the right solutions, but can implement them at speed, at scale and sustainably.

Table of Contents

Posted on June 16, 2020

By Proudfoot Team

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