Thought Leadership

Safe operations executive brief

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Safe Operations Proudfoot is on the ground with some of the world’s largest mining and industrial organizations to ensure their approach to Safe Operations is in line with new thinking and based on an operating model that focuses on Prevention.

95% of business executives report that workplace safety has a positive impact on a company’s financial performance. Organisations frequently look back after mistakes have been made, then draw lessons and try to correct the results. With fatalities and accidents doing so it too late.

The journey to creating a safety-centric organization requires dedicated and visible leadership that will create and enforce a deep, values-based culture that champions respect for human health and safety above all else. A forward-looking approach to anticipate and prevent safety incidents before they happen is critical.

What if you could build a roadmap towards safety excellence that improves operational performance and is supported by a change-capable workforce?

Table of Contents

Posted on June 7, 2018

By Proudfoot Team

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